POST dealer/dealer_stock

Upload product stock by dealer.(T+1)

Request Information


  • dealer [ Mandatory , string ]
    Dealer number , length must be 5. A five-digit number, made up of a unique 4-digit numerical dealer number and a single digit 5th numerical digit that denotes department type. Or corresponding SapBpNumber, length must be 6.
  • key [ Mandatory , Guid ]
    Web service key. The dealer provided authorisation key. The key can be found by dealer.
  • dealer_stock [ Mandatory , object ]
    Dealer stock information for uploading
  • product_number [ Mandatory , string ]
    Product number (can get from the crm/products api)
  • quantity [ Mandatory , int ]
    Product quantity

Request body formats

text/plain, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, text/json, application/json

    "dealer_number" : "83289",
    "key" : "E4035643-CC50-4F46-ACC7-11599F159D07",
    "dealer_stock" :[{
        "product_number" : "13102KRM315",
        "quantity" : 10
        "product_number" : "17950KAZ000",
        "quantity" : 10
    "dealer_number" : "408328",
    "key" : "E4035643-CC50-4F46-ACC7-11599F159D07",
    "dealer_stock" :[{
        "product_number" : "13102KRM315",
        "quantity" : 10
        "product_number" : "17950KAZ000",
        "quantity" : 10

Response Information

Response body formats

application/json, text/json

  "delivery": true,
  "receipt": "The dealer stock list has been uploaded and will be processed overnight. Any errors will be added to the error file.",
  "time": --,
  "records": --,
Or Bad Response:
  "delivery": false,
  "receipt": "The dealer stock list has been uploaded fail.",