POST dealer/repair_orders

Create one or more repair orders.

Data Dictionary

Request Information


  • DealerNumber [ Mandatory , string ]
    Dealer number , length must be 5. A five-digit number, made up of a unique 4-digit numerical dealer number and a single digit 5th numerical digit that denotes department type. Or corresponding SapBpNumber, length must be 6
  • key [ Mandatory , Guid ]
    Web service key. The dealer provided authorisation key. The key can be found by dealer. principals inside Dealernet in the dealership tab.
  • JobCardNumber [ Mandatory , string ]
    This is the Repair Order (RO), Job Card or invoice number- used by the DMS to uniquely identify the transaction and work. Size and format does not matter.
  • VIN [ Mandatory , string ]
    This the unit Frame number or Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) for Motorcycle that uniquely identifies the unit, most commonly it is a 17 digit alpha/numeric value.
  • EngineFrameNumber [ Mandatory , string ]
    This the unit Frame number for Marine that uniquely identifies the unit, most commonly it is a 17 digit alpha/numeric value.
  • Type [ Mandatory , string ]
    Customer pays for repair(customer), Honda internal account pays for repairs(internal) or Honda pays for repairs(warranty).
  • Odometer [ Mandatory , string ]
    Speedo – calculates km’s, length can not exceed 7. The Odometer can’t be empty for all records. If the item of Details which has an Odometer,and the ROCheckoutDate,ROLabour,ROPartsSaleValue and ROOilChemicalValue of this item must not be empty.
  • ROCheckoutDate [ Mandatory , datetime ]
    Date close repair order
  • ROLabour [ Mandatory , double ]
    Repair order labour price charged in hours
  • ROPartsSaleValue [ Mandatory , string ]
    Repair order parts sale value in $
  • ROOilChemicalValue [ Mandatory , string ]
    Repair order Honda Chemical value $

These parameters will be used to generate Repair Order File. Attached please find the file specification for "Repair Order File Layout".

Repair Order File Layout

Request body formats

text/plain, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, text/json, application/json

For Motorcycle:
        "key" : "E4035643-CC50-4F46-ACC7-11599F159D07",
        "key" : "E4035643-CC50-4F46-ACC7-11599F159D07",
 For Marine:
        "key" : "E4035643-CC50-4F46-ACC7-11599F159D07",
        "key" : "E4035643-CC50-4F46-ACC7-11599F159D07",

Response Information

Response body formats

application/json, text/json

Create repair order successfully.
Or Bad Response:
All repair orders are created failed for 1.[First fail reason] 2.[Second fail reason] 3.[Third fail reason] /  
Some repair orders created successfully. Others failed for 1.[First fail reason] 2.[Second fail reason] 3.[Third fail reason]